3 Reasons to Install a Misting Fan in Your Garage Workshop

The hobbies and skills we choose to work on at home are often incredibly revealing about a person. Many people transform their kitchens into a semi-professional workspace for recreational cooking, others establish an office stacked to the ceiling with screens and computer parts but the one hobby that is perhaps the most popular and can be found in almost every garage in America is amateur mechanics and engineering. Whether you've been building working on the car or teaching yourself to carve wooden furniture, millions of people spend a few hours in their garage workshop almost every evening and sometimes work on projects through solid weekends. Of course, while it makes perfect sense to keep the power tools, gas lawn mower, and automotive gear out in the garage, it does mean that your workshop is less likely to be temperature controlled compared to the rest of the house.

Workshops Always Get Hot

When your workshop is in the garage or even a separate detached
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