High Pressure Mist Pump

Summer is many people's favorite time of year because of the many activities they can take part in. Swimming in the pool, visiting the beach, and having backyard barbeques are some of the greatest things about summer. When the summer heat starts to kick in, staying cool is more important than ever because too much exposure to the harmful rays of the sun can cause serious health issues. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are conditions that are caused by too much exposure to the sun and hot temperatures. During the dog days of summer, staying at a reasonable temperature feel impossible because there is no way to escape the heat. Sitting in the shade doesn't provide the same relief from the heat as a high pressure pump that produces mist.

Quality High Pressure Misting Pumps at Cool Off

With a misting pump, you can expect a constant breeze of fresh mist that will help keep you cool without making you wet or damp. A high pressure misting pump can help keep your core temperature overheating in the blazing summer sun. These types of pumps can range in PSI from 750 PSI to 1500 PSI, and each of the components of the misting pump are made to handle high amounts of pressure. The mist these pumps put out will reduce the humidity of an area while providing a cooling mist that quickly evaporates. The amount of PSI a pump has does not affect the size of the mist that is released, but you can expect a beautiful cone shaped mist that will provide you relief from the summer heat.

Enjoy Staying Outdoors for Longer Periods with a Misting Pump

A misting pump that is high pressure can allow you to enjoy staying outdoors for longer periods of time because you will not overheat as quickly as you would without one. Misting pumps are not just for home use, but can be used in workplaces, such as factories, where temperatures get beyond hot. Factories and kitchens can get extremely humid, especially during the hottest months of the year. Employees can start to feel the effects of the heat and no longer be able to perform their duties. Keeping your employees cool so that they are healthy and can do their jobs should be your number one priority. A high pressure misting pump can be an affordable way to reduce the humidity in your workplace.

Keeping your Employees Cool during the Hottest Months of the Year

There has never been a better time to contact our team at Cool Off if you are looking for a high pressure pump that emits a cooling mist. Our staff can help guide you through the process of picking out a misting pump for your patio or workplace. The average amount of water put out by a misting pump in an hour long period is approximately one gallon. Reach out to us at Cool Off today for the ultimate customer service experience and top level customer care. We are dedicated to ensuring that we meet your needs and budget.

High Pressure Mist Pump

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High Pressure Mist Pump High Pressure Mist Pump
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