5 Reasons to Get a Patio Umbrella

When the summer temps heat up and that sun is beating down, misting tents provide the perfect cooling relief. You may have seen one of these nifty structures at a public event, or maybe even at someone’s home. Could you use a misting tent? Let’s take a look at some of the many ways these portable, outdoor cooling centers can be utilized.

Sporting Events – Just because the thermometer is rising doesn’t mean outdoor sports get cancelled. Aside from the importance of keeping hydrated internally by drinking plenty of fluids, why not provide your team with external relief as well? Refresh, rehydrate and be ready to get back in the game with renewed energy. Even spectators can enjoy a much-needed reprieve from the brutal heat as they cheer on their favorite athletes!

Zoos/Playgrounds – When the dog days of summer are upon us, many choose to stay inside to avoid the sweltering temperatures and smothering humidity. Unfortunately, that often means missing out on some great outdoor adventures, such as playing at the park and visiting the animals at the local zoo. Misting tents offer convenient areas where guests can cool off throughout the day, making it much more inviting to come out from that air-conditioned home and have some fun!

Patios – Barbequing and dining outdoors can be challenging in the midst of those hot summer months. Don’t sit inside, wishing you were enjoying the fresh air! Place a misting tent over your cooking and/or dining area and you’ll have the best of both worlds!

Outdoor Parties – Planning an upcoming social event, but worried that the torrid temps and blazing hot sun will ruin everyone’s good time? A few carefully placed misting tents can quell your concern. Your guests can spend their day or evening leisurely taking in the warmth and then cooling off under the shelter of the outdoor cooling centers. And since the mist is super fine, nobody will have to worry about getting wet or ruining that perfect hairdo.

Farmers Markets – Warmer weather brings a plethora of tasty, locally grown foods, but who wants to bake in the sun all day waiting for customers to stop by and fill up their basket? The beauty of misting tents is that they’re easy to set up and use. As long as you’ve got a long enough hose, you can create a refreshing outdoor shop that’s sure to attract all the locals. As a bonus, the cooling relief of the mist will also help to keep fruits and veggies fresh and looking delicious.

Of course, these are just a few of the many creative ways you can use a misting system in your yard, business or other outdoor area. Have another unique idea to share? Leave us a reply – we’d love to hear it! In the meantime, you can call 800-504-6478 to order your very own misting tent. And, as always…stay cool, my friends.